Redefining Work Ethic: Why Youngsters Should Work Harder in the 21st Century


In a world where the lines between work and personal life are increasingly becoming blurred, Narayana Murthy, the co-founder and former CEO of Infosys, made a bold and thought-provoking statement that young individuals should consider working up to 70 hours a week. While this idea may initially seem extreme and unattainable, it’s essential to delve deeper into the context and consider how it might be more relevant than ever for today’s generation, especially in the Indian context.


The Changing Landscape of Work: Before we delve into the concept of working 70 hours a week, let’s first understand the transformations that have occurred in the Indian workforce over the past few decades. The digital age has brought about a revolution in the way we work, which was further accelerated by the COVID19 pandemic. Young professionals in India today have access to a vast array of tools, technologies, and information at their fingertips. Remote work, flexible schedules, and the gig economy have redefined the traditional 9-to-5 job, offering new opportunities for Indian youth.

The rise of global competition and innovation-driven economies has also created a need for constant adaptation and learning, which is particularly relevant for India’s growing technology and IT sectors. Speaking in the first episode of 3one4 Capital’s podcast ‘The Record’ Narayana Murthy’s assertion, in this dynamic environment, may not seem as unreasonable as it appears at first glance.


Continuous Learning and Adaptation: One might argue that Murthy’s argument is rooted in the idea that the modern work landscape demands a level of dedication and commitment beyond what previous generations may have encountered. In a world where technological advancements are made at breakneck speed, staying relevant and competitive requires continuous learning and adaptation, which is a critical factor for India’s young professionals to succeed in their careers.

Indian youngsters today are not only tasked with mastering the skills of their chosen professions but also with keeping pace with rapidly evolving industries such as IT, software development, and digital marketing. Working longer hours may provide the time needed to acquire new knowledge, master new tools, and develop innovative solutions that can be instrumental in India’s tech-driven economy.


Passion and Ambition: The millennial and Gen Z generations in India are often characterised by their passion for making a meaningful impact on the world. They seek careers that align with their values and goals and are driven by a desire to contribute to positive change. Working longer hours may be a manifestation of their ambition to effect change on a grand scale and participate in India’s rapid development and growth.

Long hours, when coupled with a clear sense of purpose, can lead to greater productivity and a heightened sense of fulfilment. The motivation to work harder in India stems from a genuine desire to see the fruits of their labour manifest in the form of innovation, social change, or personal success, which can significantly benefit our nation.


Balancing Work and Life: While working 70 hours a week may seem like a daunting prospect, it’s crucial to remember that the idea is not about sacrificing one’s well-being for the sake of work. The objective is to maintain a balance between professional and personal life, allowing individuals in India to lead fulfilling lives.

By dedicating more time to work, young Indians can make the most of their productive years, gaining invaluable experience and building a solid foundation for the future. This can ultimately lead to the freedom to choose how and when they work, providing the flexibility that modern work arrangements promise, and allowing them to fully embrace the cultural and family values that are integral to Indian society.


The Importance of Mentorship: Narayana Murthy’s statement also underscores the significance of mentorship and guidance in a young professional’s journey, which holds immense importance in the Indian context. The advice to work long hours implies that one should not hesitate to seek out experienced mentors who can impart knowledge and wisdom gained from years of experience. Mentorship can help young Indians navigate the complexities of today’s rapidly changing work environment and provide the support needed to make the most of the extra effort put into their careers.

Mentoring relationships in India can be invaluable in developing skills, making connections, and achieving goals, ensuring that the youth in India have access to the wisdom and guidance they need to thrive in their careers.


Innovation and Entrepreneurship: With the advent of the internet, crowdfunding platforms, and increased access to venture capital, entrepreneurship has become a viable and attractive option for many young individuals in India. The pursuit of innovative ideas and the creation of startups are on the rise. In this context, working long hours can be seen as an investment in one’s entrepreneurial journey, a path many young Indians are increasingly exploring.

Entrepreneurs in India often find themselves working around the clock to turn their vision into reality and overcome the unique challenges of the Indian market. By working hard in the early stages, they can increase their chances of success and establish a strong foundation for their ventures, contributing to the vibrant startup ecosystem in India.


Narayana Murthy’s suggestion that youngsters should consider working up to 70 hours a week may sound demanding and unconventional, but it is essential to recognise that the work landscape has evolved significantly. Youngsters need to be adaptable, passionate, and dedicated to their careers to thrive in this dynamic environment and actively participate in India’s growth story.

While working long hours should not come at the expense of one’s well-being, it can be a strategic choice for those who seek to make a lasting impact, excel in their professions, and lead fulfilling lives. The key is to strike a balance between work and personal life, seek mentorship, and leverage the opportunities presented by the digital age to achieve ambitious goals. In the 21st century, working smarter and longer can lead to unprecedented opportunities for young Indians to shape their future and make a positive impact on the nation’s development.





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